Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Colour of Transperancy

Can we believe our eyes?The things we see does it really look like that??????????Think a condition in which a baby was taught the red color is green ie when ever he used to see a red colour he is made to say its green so from very childhood red is green for him.Why we cant be like that from childhood, the parents show as a colour which they know as red and teach us it is red but can they see what colour we see,we may be seeing a blue colour and spell it red.So for both to parents and us the colour is red but what we see may be blue.If we think in this logic we cant believe what ever we see?A simple question does a green leaf has got any colour in a dark room?we don't know because we haven't seen anything in dark.Similarly, the faces we see the shapes, anything and everything we see, is it same to others?I don't know the answer...hey then can i call sweet as bitter and bitter as sweet who knows?????????

Conclusion:Aware of the fact that anything we see,feel and all are relative,so the world we say be an imagination or even a dream haha a thing that just depends on our eyes and brain, a drunkard or a drug addict could see many things due to the hallucination even in dream we feel everything very realistically, so why we cant be a born drunkard or a dreamy boy.Very simply ,all that we see and feel may be a dream....

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Electric life

The topic that am going to discuss is a vast one but we could deal with its other aspects later,the topic starts from the question, who am I?Hm now you may thing am going to say we are not the name,not brain then what else and all no definitely not.It is the same thing that am going to discuss but in different perspective.

What an electric fan do?and what an electric bulb do?on passage of electricity the fan rotates and the bulb glows,why a fan can't glow and a bulb can't rotate?Its because each show its own property but what happens when the current goes both of them stops in spite of their property.We could make a close resemblance of this with our life.We all are different gadgets when a certain power flows through us we works according to our property.

Conclusion:The power i mentioned may be called god ,spirit or soul ,when within us , we wont feel it as power but as I or me or ourselves ,just like when current is their bulb is seen as bulb not as electricity but when switches off its gone,death may be that power cut in our what all we express is nothing made by us but something reflected which is already in us.

Good and Bad

It was a doubt in me from a very long time, what is good and what is bad?What is the criteria behind the good and bad.The thing that made me think like this is nothing but a dream or even say a was- if there was only one human being on earth will there be any good or bad, will he get penalized for some bad doings?so the idea of good and bad arose from the period when there were more than one to think and both of them think differently.At first the the condition to be good may be the muscle power but as the population increased the right and wrong got classified according to population ie the more say a thing is right then it became right, so the right and wrong came to existence only after the society formation.The list of rights and wrongs is not made by god but by human itself.So can anybody do anything ?saying it is good ,no he cant do so, as long as he is in a society. It is just like, we have to obey certain rules when we are in a company.In a society the good or right thing is something that is acceptable by many in the society.

Conclusion:There is nothing so called good nor bad but one cannot do anything saying its good, its not due to the fact that it becomes wrong but it may affect many.And he wont get any curse or hell unless he feels he is doing something wrong but he may get imprisoned don't blame on god for your good and bad and he is not going to give something more n something less for your doings its you itself going to give something more and something less....

God's Devil

From where should i start? from God or from Devil....Yes,we would start from God ,who is known as the architect of the entire universe.From years,no, from centuries ,no, from the point where time started he remains the same with a glowing aura over head and a smiling face.The silly man of new generation who dint change his style with time.

Let the ever smiling face be there,we could meet another person.The man of evil,the man of sins he is named devil.In earlier ages he was a man with two horns , teethes to drink blood and a weird face but as time passed he changed from the worn out rags to shining suits and polished shoes but with fire of evil in his eyes.Who turned him like that ?its we people responsible for it ,no one else.The new devil of new era...

We met the two guys...are these guys really like this?is it their nature?To know this we should know their life history.We should start from the beginning from the beginning of everything.......
There isn't any proof of the birth of god and no historians had bought any evidence for his origin, so lets call the unborn phenomenon as 'unborn god'.But the creations there after is mentioned in many places like the creation of universe,earth,human beings and all.

So from this a new doubt arises who is the creator of devil?If the nature of all beings is due to the genetic structure in him who is responsible for his doings...isn't it his father or him?Then is the devil a real convict??????????

Hmmm lets think in yet another way, both of them are unborn but exists then who is good?i don't know, you think yourself?if you could say an answer then you could also answer this question very easily, Is George Bush or Saddam Hussain is better ??hihi...

It could be classified as the one who do good things can be named god and the one who do worse things as devil?Then arise another question who made the list of good and bad things?Unlucky devil its made by God so if devil had made this list what will we do? good things or bad things? of course good things, but what would be in goodthings list??????????????

Another solution for all this question,God gave us the power to think and those who used in the right way are good and in the bad way became bad people or devils followers.Then is this solution complete? then another question arises ,doesn't the same god gave the ability to think in the wrong way?in simple words a program would work only according to the commands given to it...for those who thinks its not complete - if we have the ability to make the thinking power then why we cant create artificial intelligence or why we cant be called God.If so who is the real God.

we could approach in another way, lets say good ie purity always wins and the other gets defeated or dies.So we could conclude that the one who dies first was wrong or fake.In the present world who is dieing God or Devil.Are we crucifying an innocent devil.Let the time say that.

Like the unborn god ,an unborn devil if they are immortal god and immortal devil the question still remains " is god or devil is good????????"

Conclusion:There is nothing so called good or bad.And God and devil.But it doesn't means that God and devil doesn't exist they do exists until we have a mind....